At 03:10 PM 6/21/98 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 98-06-21 10:51:16 EDT, you write:
><< I remember posting awhile back, asking if a SVO injector would work in our
> trucks ... did anyone ever come to a conclusion on wether or not it would (I
> tend to sometimes lose things on this list..) ??
> >>
>You know what, I remember reading in an old Mopar Mag that Ford sold an
>injector that would fit the Dak! I seem to remember it was a Mustang inj.,it
>even gave the part number but I cant find the mag. I bet its the one youre
>talking about!
I don't have any info about wether it would work or not, but I do have
that magazine, so I figured I'd post the part # for ya:
The Ferd part number is M 9593 A302; they're used in late model Mustangs.
The actual manufacturer is Siemens, but I don't know if they're available
directly from them or not. According to the article, MSD also has
higher flow injectors for Magnum engines.
(Page 53, December '97 Mopar Muscle; there's a pic of a yellow Valiant
on the cover)
.--- ------------------------------------.
| Affiliations: DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA. RP-SEL |
| '96 Dodge Dakota v8 SLT CC (15.21@89.82), '96 Kolb FireFly 447 |
`----------------------- ---'
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