Re: Underdrive/custom pulley thoughtsATTN: Patrick]

From: Bob Mankin (
Date: Mon Aug 10 1998 - 01:37:39 EDT

W . Jack Hilton III wrote:
> >I'd pop for a set if the price is reasonable. My DAK is a '98 5.2L. Are
> >we going to have problems with the '96 and earlier vs. '97-'98?
> >
> >Bob
> >
> >
> March told me the factory dimensions on the pulleys are different on the
> 97+ so the 96 and earlier won't work (makes everything turn WAY too slow)

So question to Patrick. Since it seems to be a simple operation once you
have the CNC program done, what is the likelihood of doing both
early(pre '97) and late(97+) sets?

I imagine you'll need measurements. Anybody with a set of '97-'98
pulleys already who'd be willing to take some measurements?


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