Another good point..............thanks for the heads up people. This is why I
luv this list!!
On the emissions note though. Did you have a problem with this with the new
I'm from MASS so I don't know what the difference in regulations might be
compared to where your at??...........
Vanderburg wrote:
> Yes I got the same rebate with mine, but decided to keep it as a spare, and
> for when emission tests are required, plus I go back to the stock one in
> winter for two reasons 1) cheaper gas & 2) don't need more tire spin in the
> snow and ice.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Vacchino <>
> To: <>
> Date: Monday, August 10, 1998 5:11 AM
> >Just got my SBEC for my '92, and imagine my surprise to see a $100
> >rebate inside!!!
> >Just send back my old "functional, undamaged" computer and DODGE sends
> >you $100 for it!!!.......kick ass!!
> >Is this old news? if so I apologize for the post. I 'm just not used to
> >getting surprise deals like this. Now to get my old one out without
> >damaging it.
> >"psychonaut"
> >
> >
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