RE: Transgo info

From: Bridges, Bruce (
Date: Tue Aug 11 1998 - 10:40:55 EDT

Go with the group buy? I need 2 kits, one for the Dakota and one for
the Jensen so Ill count as 2, and with you that would make 6 so far??
The transgo factory is still interested in the group buy, they are just
"lagging" for some reason. Hopefully this week their info kit will
arrive and we can finalize the deal? Are you in?
Bruce K Bridges
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 1998 7:11 AM
Subject: DML: Transgo info

Hey, I'm reading about this Transgo kit and was wondering who I should
talk to
about buying direct? Do they have a web site & do they answer their


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