Re: Throttle body choices

From: Thomas Vacchino (
Date: Wed Aug 12 1998 - 08:56:06 EDT

Unfortunately I don't have the time, resources or know-how to pull this off
So I was thinking GENII.......I basically want bolt on performance without alot
of friggin around with it to make it work this not a plausible
idea then??

"psychonaut" wrote:

> In a message dated 98-08-12 07:25:35 EDT, you write:
> << My question is this. For my everyday driving DAK what would you guys
> recommend for a Magnum Express Throttle Body ???.......
> Economy, Gen II, Super Street, or Pro street. >>
> Economy and Gen II you could do yourself... super street uses a telfon
> impregnated coating.. Pro Street is the only one that I would ever spring for
> (if I didn't have a machine shop laying around), as it has large bores and
> butterflies..... tooo bad it's $700+ before you're done!
> On a side note, I'm also interested in doing one of these myself... anyone
> have a stock TB laying around?? I really don't want to spring for a new one.
> ttyl
> Patrick

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