Re: deals

From: Jon Steiger (
Date: Fri Aug 14 1998 - 22:15:04 EDT

At 01:09 AM 8/6/98 -0500, you wrote:
>> Jon-do you have any idea of our member turnover rate, and who are
>>the "old people"-just for curiosity's sake?

  No, I'm not sure what the member turnover rate is... A lot of people
jump on and off the list due to time issues at work or home, etc... I do
know that there are some people who just read the archives because
they feel they can't handle the volume. They'll jump on and off the list
to post a question.
  As far as who the old timers are, its hard to say, but you can get an
idea by looking at the archives and sorting by author. The list started
in November '95, and just glancing through some of the posts, I recognized
the names of some people who are still with us like Bill Countie, David
Zavetsky and Ron Rader. That was back when the list was 6-10 people...
Ned Vogler joined up the following month. (I apologize if I missed anyone.)
:-) Anyway, a look through the archives should give you an idea about who
showed up when. There are some interesting posts in there too, like people
asking for certain features, and me writing the software to do it, teething
problems, etc... (Ok, they're interesting to ME anyway.) ;-)

>A lot of my fellow college students leave over the summer so that effects
>things (expect membership to jump end August/ beg Sept).
>I think I qualify as an "old person"... joined Spring 96, If I'm thinking
>straint (it is 1am) I've seen the list at forty people. It would be pretty
>cool to have a member number, JON'S NUMBER ONE :)

  :-) Yep, 40 people was quite a while ago. Yeah, a member number would
be pretty cool; kind've hard to implement though. :-)


  .--- ------------------------------------.
  | Affiliations: DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA. RP-SEL |
  | '96 Dodge Dakota v8 SLT CC (14.85@90.72), '96 Kolb FireFly 447 |
  `----------------------- ---'

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