I'm assuming you have a 97 up. I have a 3 in' drop in the front and
doesn't come even close to hitting. I believe you can go up to 5 in' in the
front but I wouldn't recommend it for daily driving. Lance (the magazine
man) has something like a 5/7 drop.
98 CC Sport, 318, auto, 3.55, custom Ram Air, 3/5 drop, T&H, progressive
220 CR,tinted windows, Sony/JBL/Pyle system, mono white painted.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Mankin <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, August 17, 1998 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: DML: A-arms VS. Spindles...HELP!!!!
>Mike P Sykes wrote:
>> >>>If I could only find a wheel I like at a price I can afford, I'd be
>> set
>> to install the kit.<<<
>> install the kit anyway, I see plenty of people do it. It'll probably help
>> you to figure if you get any alignment problems and stuff anyway. I
>> wouldn't wanna' slap on 1200 bones worth of tire to have a bad alignment
>> chew em' up cuz' the parts are a little off, ya' know? Also think about
>> clearance issues....ya' know, the usual stuff =)
>Problem is I'm adding a set of springs to go with the A arms. Looking
>for about 3-3.5" drop in the front. With that much drop I think I'll be
>hitting the fenders with the front tires under normal suspension travel.
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