> From: brian duffey <brian.duffey@intelsat.int>
> Subject: DML: Too much thinking
> Hey list, two questions/thoughts I've been thinking about that I'd like your
> comments on
> (yes, no, what are you, crazy? - that kind of thing). These ??'s are for my
> '95 318 CC - but probably apply to all the Daks.
> 1) Replaced my plugs & wires last week (MSD Helicore's), and in the process
> got very annoyed with the thin metal tubes (towers) that protrude up around
> the plug wire from the engine. I had alot of little crap down in there
> around the old plugs, but no way to get it out! With the plugs in there is
> no way to get a tootbrush or anything in to brush it away. <snip>
Compressed air at a gas station may be the trick
> 2) I'm planning on getting the Mopar Perf. SBEC (easy enough) but was
> thinking about what it would take to have both chips installed at the same
> time, but control which one you are running through via an A/B type switch?
> I know, the change-out of the chips is pretty easy, but this way you could
> easily switch "on the fly" (go for the stock chip for normal driving/mileage
> & switch to Perf. chip when street dualing, playing around). Since it takes
> the computer a bit to reprogram, would this be worth while? From a
> theoretical view, it should work - but I have enough electronics experience
> to know that theory & reality quite often don't match up!
Umm.... I would not recomend it. My 98 has 3 connectors, with about
dozen wires on each. With the power ON and engine running, I'd bet you
an even chance of frying something. With engine off, it would work, but
you have a buch of wires to contend with, maybe a '95 has less, if
so, I'd run the wires through relays, as wire length could be critical,
adding 8' or so to get to your dash and back, may screw up waveforms on
signals. Easier to get a couple of multi-pole relays, and wire up a
switch on the dash. Mike
-- " I am confident that the Republican Party will pick a nominee that will beat Bill Clinton in 2000. " former V.P. Dan Quayle
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