> There is currently a group deal going for shift kits and G-tech
> Pros...
Get me up to speed on those deals! I've been wanting a G-tech, but need to
learn about shift kits. Are they ok for a daily driver?
> Welcome back!
> ---Mike, near Houston.---
> My sig file=====> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/signature.txt
> My Dakota page==> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/dakota.html
> Dakota Webring==> http://web.wt.net/~mclark/webring/ring.html
-- Mailto:rotrottmann@davidson.edu http://thelma.davidson.edu/rotrottmann/web/default.htm Davidson, NC- Now St. Louis, MO- May 19th 95 Sport 318 Auto 2WD
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