Re: Air Dam for 88 Dakota

From: Tony Sarro (
Date: Wed Aug 26 1998 - 22:53:15 EDT

I know what you guys mean. I been looking around at the local junk yards
for a wrecked Dak and cant find any. I just want to see what I can get off
one like some power door locks. My grandfather does alot of traveling
around the country (they are retired and living the life) and he was looking
for me at the different junk yards in the different areas he was in. Hey
this means only responsible people drive Daks so insurance rates should go
down :).
Tony Sarro
-----Original Message-----
From: Walter_Felix <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 1998 7:58 PM
Subject: DML: Air Dam for 88 Dakota

>That will probably be a hard part to find used. Here's the dealer part
>numbers for what your looking for:
>87-90 air dam w/o fog lamp - $36.25 - Part# 4335157
>88-90 air dam w/fog lamp - $16.75 - Part# 4482830
>I know when I looked around the junk yards, I didn't see many Dakotas at
>88' Dakota Sport 4x4
>-----Original Message-----
>From: James Dullen <>
>To: <>
>Date: Monday, August 24, 1998 7:15 PM
>Subject: DML: New to List
>>I'm new to the list. I have an 88 Dakota 2WD. It was recently rear ended
>>and is in the process of receiving a new donor bed from a junked
>>Terminex truck. THe has held up great over the years and now has 125K on
>>it. No major repairs, only tune ups, exhaust, and a new fuel pump. I'm
>>looking for a stock front air dam that attaches to the bottom of the
>>bumper. Does anyone have or know where I can get one besides a dealer. I
>>want to avoid getting a new dealer one if I can avoid it. The local
>>junkyards don't seem to have any bumpers left on their trucks. Any help
>>is appreciated.

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