Oil Coolers

From: Shaun.Hendricks@bergenbrunswig.com
Date: Thu Sep 10 1998 - 14:09:31 EDT

   A "third party" unit is one that is not manufactured by the owner or the
original manufacturer: thus a "Third Party". Any aftermarket part that isn't
mopar is considered third party unless you made it.
   Now, there are oil coolers and variants which use an electric pump that
activates when you open the door to your car/truck. This starts the oil
flowing in the engine even before you turn the key. When you do turn the key,
the engine is cranking at full pressure lubrication, and not from ZERO like
normal starts. When the oil pump in the engine reaches full pressure, the
electric one shuts down and sits in "bypass" until you turn off the motor.
When you shut off the motor it turns back on and circulates the oil in the
engine for a time that you determine (usually 15-20 minutes) which lets the
motor cool down better and more evenly. When this pump system is combined
with an oil cooler, it also cools your engine faster.
   I've seen kits that feature just the pump system and the pump system plus
an oil cooler. I don't recall the price being hideous either. It's just one
of those things that I think factory's should build into the engines but don't.

Shaun H.
Tustin, CA

-----original message------
But what did Shaun mean by "a third party oil cooler... one with an electric
pump hooked to
 the door switches."?????

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