Re: Ram Air or Blower?

Date: Thu Sep 10 1998 - 13:32:42 EDT

Not to toss another monkey wrench in this discussion but I'm kinda curious.

    I know that the turbo charger on my last car would deliver up to 16psi
boost (at which point the bleed valve kicked in) when the engine was under
it's maximum load. The standard engine w/o turbo delivered 130hp. With the
Turbo it delivered 174hp. If 1psi=20hp then that little 4 banger should've
been delivering 300+hp so I don't really buy that calculation.
    The next question would be, comparativly, how much does a supercharger
cost vs. a twin turbo arrangement. The 5.2/5.6 is more than capable of
driving two turbochargers (I wonder if Banks makes a kit for the 318/360).
The supercharger would deliver it's psi almost immediately, but the turbos
deliver more air through the mid and high power band. Having owned a turbo
charged vehicle, I can say this for certain: the damn things are a pain in the
tush, but man does it motivate an engine! Does anyone have a turbo-charged

Shaun H.
Tustin, CA

-----original message--------
In a message dated 98-09-09 22:31:07 EDT, you write:

<< Somebody help me make a decision. How much gain from
 hood? Blower? Maybe both and hook up the ram air hood to a intercooler.
 I hear if you use an intercooler you don't need a spark retard box and get
 more usable power with less strain on the engine!
 Jim in Waco. >>

Gains from a hood = looks, less weight (sometimes), maybe 20hp if it's

Vortech S-trim in kit form gives you more looks too (everyone likes to hear it
whine...:)), and about 5 times as much as a hood would give you. FWIW, I got
~120-130hp from mine at 5psi. More horsepower and torque are just a pulley
change away.

At 5psi, you won't need much (if any) spark retard.. even w/o an intercooler


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