Okay, more folks have added their names into the "interested" ring. It
seems that the locations are now evening out a bit. So now what we need to
start tracking down is those willing to drive for one "BIG" get together or if
not enough people are, we should split it into two smaller ones that may (or
may not) run concurrently. Here's the list as it stands, if I missed your
post, please remind me.
Name/E-mail Address Hometurf
bbridges@alarismed.com San Diego County
Toomey2me@aol.com Ventura County
Shaun Hendricks Orange County
Brad (N2mopars@aol.com) San Francisco
Martin Tolentino So. Cal
Sam (srp@home.com) So. Cal (Only)
JHambleton@diabloresearch.com Nor. Cal
Beau (sleepy@neteze.com) Santa Rosa (NorCal)
Bob (bob@cadpros.com) Nor. Cal
Chris (cbogart@netscape.com) San Francisco
By my reckoning, the So. Cal & Nor. Cal areas are basically tied so far.
One person is only interested in a local meeting of the areas: which is good
to know. So if anyone else on the list feels the same, let me know so we can
all consider this in our decision.
Some cool ideas as places to meet might be some old (abandoned?) airfield,
Pt. Magu Missle range/Vandenburg, Morro Bay/San Luis Area, Edwards
AFB/Tahachape <sp?> Pass, or somewhere else in between So. Cal and Nor. Cal.
The best thing to do now is to decide if we want to separate the meets or
not. I would like to see everyone together (the more the merrier) but
obviously, that may not suit everyone. I'd also want to beat out that measly
Texican get together <wink!><wink!> ^_^. Your opinions folks?
Shaun H.
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