Dakota Gets A Scar. :(...

From: Jerod J. Husvar (jerodh@hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Oct 15 1998 - 18:39:29 EDT

I've had 12 hours to calm down, and I'd still like to find a certain
teenage driver... And it's probably better that I can't. Why? I was
driving to work this morning, down the two-lane I live on... I look at
the on-coming car, and A) He's coming at me, and B) he's NOT paying
attention to the fact that he's swerving left of center. Well, not
wanting to start my day with a head-on, move over onto the berm, and
slow down, and the idiot keeps coming! I ended up cliping a mailbox
with my driver's side mirror, and in the process of it's detonation, it
put several nice scratches down the side of my truck. After regrouping
myself and coming safely to a stop, I realize, the little punk never
even stopped. Then the police don't wanna bother with a report because
I didn't get a plate and he didn't actually *HIT* me.

I could go on, needless to say, I'm PO'd about it all. The scratches
look like they'll only take some rubing out to clean up, I'll probably
have to get a mirror from the dealer. Anyone got a spare, passanger
side, basic black, non-power mirror laying around for a 97+?



+Jerod J. Husvar + http://www.hottub.org/~dreamwvr +
+jerodh@hotmail.com + Rootstown, OH USA + This Space For Rent +
+1998 Dakota Sport V6 + http://www.hottub.org/~dreamwvr/dakota.html +

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