Re: *Not Dak related* Attn Jules and any other Marines

From: Jules Glogovcsan (
Date: Fri Nov 13 1998 - 00:21:51 EST

> From: gary palmer <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: DML: *Not Dak related* Attn Jules and any other Marines
> Date: Wednesday, November 11, 1998 6:06 AM
> > Just wanted to wish a happy 223rd Birthday to Jules and all the other
> > Marines
> > on the list. Semper Fi!
> >
> > Russ

> Also take a moment to remember someone in your family, or a friend, who
> served, or is serving, on this Veterans day. To all of you who may be
> Vets, from another Vet, be proud of your service to our country. I am!
> Fly those flags high today!

amen... what would a dak look like if the far east expansion had become
entrenched in san francisco and beyond..?

remember the thousands and thousands that had to serve us the ultimate
price so that we can choose freely to select the truck of our choice... ( a
lowered brow, quiet moment or two....)


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