Didn't we get into the same debate earlier on old-school Daks vs. RT's? My
$10,000 95 will beat a $20,000 RT w/ less than $2000 in engine mods. I mean, I
agree that the Ferd is overpriced, and can't wait to kick the crap out of one, but
the price thing can be taken pretty far.."my $1000 Nova w/ a junk yard 454 w/ $500
worth of nitrous can beat your $25,000 R/T".......well, you know what I mean.
Either way, I'm happy w/ my 95, and happy it doesn't have any blue ovals on it
Dyno05@aol.com wrote:
> Big deal 14.4 seconds. it is impressive for a 4600lb truck, but for 29000 it
> isnt so hot. I bought my R/T RC for 20500 , I have only a jet 2 module and
> a KN filter, with a fresh air intake I made myself. I have run 14.3 and I dont
> consider those "heavy mods" At all. With my newly ordered Leach headers and
> the Holloway TB im patiently waiting for, I should be knocking on 13s door.
> BRING EM ON!!! I think that they run quicker than 14.4 personally. 97 mph in
> the quarter is pretty steep for 14.4.
> Its gonna be a showdown this spring at the local dragstrips. Think of how
> fast a Dakota can be with an extra 9 grand to spend on mods!!!
> Oh yeah, one more thing, An R/T will out handle that lead sled too!!!
> Just my opinions,
> Dana W
-- Mailto:rotrottmann@davidson.edu http://www.davidson.edu/personal/rotrottmann/default.htm Davidson, NC 95 Sport 318 Auto 2WD ICQ 19665525
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