Re: Re: Re: May i join

From: Gary Shook (
Date: Thu Dec 03 1998 - 13:57:57 EST

>you know, I didn't mind when it was just one, or two but now we are getting
>ridiculous. all you ram owners who want to be on this list have to put one
>of those little frames around your license plates that state " I wish I had
>a DAK" if anybody needs them, I can sell you one for um, 20K. Yeah, then
>my little 6er will really go. see ya V8s. and if I go fast enough and
>throw it in neutral I can get better mileage than the 4bangers! Hey all
>Ram guys, tell your friends to join too! my truck will boogie!
>p.s. if you are not smiling by now please hit the delete key and forget
>about this post.

I am smiling... devilishly... I test drove a Dak... a 98 CC 5.2L 5-speed
4x4... I loved that shifter compared to my '96 Ram 5-speed I used to have..
fairly short-throw... real quick, even with 55 miles on it... cornered real
well, too... the salesman insisted on driving with me, but I didn't care..
he was a little pale afterwards... maybe it was that cloverleaf onramp I
took at 50+ (I was doing 75+ by the time I was merging with traffic...)

But the back seat (?) was like a mail slot, and overall the truck was a
little small for my comfort. I could have lived with it, but when we got
down to comparing price, the difference wasn't enough, and I went full
size... I love my Ram, and don't regret the decision, but each had their

Seriously, though... I also subscribe to DiRT, but this list is more geared
towards drag racing & power mods... The real good info on DiRT is about
towing capacities & accessories.

If I want to feel real power, I'll go get my Charger back (It's stored in
Phoenix) and get it running again... I am headed back for a visit next week,
maybe I can rent a trailer, or get a tow bar...hmmm...

Gary Shook

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