From: Bob Tom (
Date: Tue Dec 15 1998 - 15:07:05 EST

One colour of light does not penetrate fog further than
another colour of light. What the eye sees is the reflection
of the light from the water droplets.

What you want from fog lights is the ability to be able to
distinguish features that are close in front and
to the side of you as soon as possible. Amber light
helps the eye register differing shapes and outlines

Do they look better than clear lenses from an appearance
point of view? That's a personal perference call. Personally,
I think clear lense fog lights look better.

I use a yellow plastic shield which is attached to
the visor. It not only sharpens up images and
cuts down glare in direct, bright sunlight but also,
as I found out driving back from Victoria B.C.
to Ontario in January, in blinding snowstorms and heavy fog.

I think you'll find manufacturers in the lighting business
have found this in their research and development.


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