Re: 98 MP Ram HP Controllers

From: Mike D. (
Date: Fri Dec 18 1998 - 18:24:56 EST

>>>I have figured out the Mopar Tec line. When you call the
call is really forwarded to a Pizza Hut in New Jersey where the guy
making the pizza has a special Hot line. Beside the phone is a list
of responses.

1) "That part is not available"
2) "About 1 year"
3) "About 9 Months"
4) "About 7 Months"
5) If person calling request that you check on a part hit phone key
   pad several times and state "Not available"<<<<

LOL!!!! BAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! I think I know the guy... but he
works at a payphone somewhere in Southwestern NY State. He sits in his
Ferd and waits for the phone to ring, then he picks up, puts the phone on
a tape recorder (ya' know, the old kind... pre-boombox) and then picks up
and refers to his response list =).... hehehe... ever tried to call for
something for an 88 dak? Now THAT is disappointing =(

-mike d.
88, V6, LE, 3.55, Slush-o-matic, many mods.
<a href="">
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"Horn's broken, watch for finger" =)

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