Clear lenses 97+

From: Robert Trottmann (
Date: Wed Feb 03 1999 - 23:14:53 EST

Hey kids, got this reply from
Acutally, the 97-99 Dakota lenses are about 1 month off. We should have
before anyone else, and already have a few on order. If you, or anyone
know who wants them, email me or have them email me and I'll be sure to
stock enough to cover everyone. They'll go fast and it can take several
weeks to a few months before the next production run begins if my
runs out. The clear corners will be about $80-90 and the taillights will
around $120-130.
His email is
On their page they have package deals for all lenses and colored bulbs,
so y'all might try and get a group/package deal going.
Robert (still waiting for older daks....oh well :-(

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