Re: shift gauge doesn't line up

From: Michael Meyerhoff (
Date: Sat Feb 06 1999 - 12:03:54 EST

On my 92 the actual indicator (little red piece) slides on the slider the
wire pulls. So to adjust it all you need to do is take off the dash/cover
and slide the red piece into the right position.

At 10:02 AM 2/6/99 -0600, you wrote:
>At 04:39 PM 2/5/99 , you wrote:
>>There is a very thin wire that goes from the spring load mechanism that
>>controls the pointer down to the steering column.
>>Good luck, the wire's easy to break!
>These all seem to be on R/Ts. I'd just take it to the dealer and have him
>do it under warranty.
>Mike Crumley 97 V6 Auto
>mail to:
>Barnum was wrong - - it's more like every 30 seconds.
   // | | \\ Mike Meyerhoff
{ }|| | | ||{ }
   [=============] 92 Dakota SLE Club Cab
   |} D O D G E {| Magnum 3.9l V6 4X2 3.55
  [|=============|] K&N filter, cat-back duals/highflo cat
   [_] 0 0 [_]

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