Re: Adjusting Transmission Bands????

From: mrdancer (
Date: Fri Feb 12 1999 - 17:01:51 EST

You'll need to change ALL of the tranny fluid if you're switching over to
Amsoil - considerably more than 4 qts.

My '92 Dak has ~138k miles & I haven't adjusted the bands yet (but that
fluid/filter change is sure a mess....) -

Haynes manual says to loosen the adjusting screw locknut ~ 5 turns, tighten
the adjusting screw to 72 in-lbs. then back off 2.5 turns, then tighten
adjusting screw locknut back up to 30 ft-lbs. (this screw setup is on the
outside of the tranny, just above the throttle lever and gearshift control
lever, or right behind and above tranny cooler fitting).

For Low-Reverse, back off locknut 4 turns, tighten adjusting screw to 72
in-lbs. and back off exactly 4 turns, then tighten locknut back up to 25
ft-lbs. Kinda hard to describe where the L-R adjusting screw is, but you
have to take the pan off and you should see it (it's a 2-piece-looking bolt
with a nut on it, so you can loosen part of it and adjust the other part).
Hope this helps.......

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, February 12, 1999 3:51 PM
Subject: DML: Adjusting Transmission Bands????

>I plan on changing the transmission fluid in my Dakota within the next
>miles. I usually pay a friend of the family to do it $30, but I want to do
>myself this time, since I do everything else on my truck. I know I need a
>tranny filter, gasket, and about 4 quarts of ATF(I am going to use Amsoil
>since every other part of my truck runs Amsoil). What about any band
>adjustment???? How is this done???? Is this needed????The Haynes manual I
>isnt too specific about this adjustment procedure. My truck has 100,500
>on it and I really dont think the 'bands' have ever been adjusted. I own a
>Dakota 4x4 V6 by the way. Thanks for any and all info.

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