Boss Shinoda Mustang?

From: GSWillhite (
Date: Thu Feb 18 1999 - 14:04:25 EST

I was leaving Best Buy parking lot the other day and spotted a
99 silver mustang with BOSS on the side. Had to go over to check
it out (know your enemy). It had black stripes arranged in a weird
pattern on the hood, flowing down behind the front wheels. BOSS was
on both sides with another name plastered across the top of
the windshield,"SHINODA". It also had the GT (4.6) on the side.
This poor lookin' thing reminded me of rice rocket. Sorry, I just
don't think they measure up to the great old BOSS 302s and 429s.
Ferd seems to have a patent on UGLY for the 80s-90's rustangs,
and the 5.0s......I think I'm gettin' queasy........

GS -

98 5.2L 5spd

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