RE: R/T SBEC (Computer) Rag session

From: Jason Jennings (
Date: Tue Feb 23 1999 - 09:29:26 EST

I may investigate the idea with my fellow coworkers and boss. I'm sure
the three of us can produce a set of reasonable ideas.

2/23/99 9:34 AM

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Jon Steiger []
        Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 1:55 AM
        Subject: RE: DML: R/T SBEC (Computer) Rag session

        At 01:09 PM 2/22/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I have thought about it a bit or two. If I could find a set of
>specs on the Mopar computers, sure.... I would work night and
day to
>tweak those bits.... I hear Superchips basically does the same
>They just hack and slash the manufactures computer. Once they
learn how
>it works. They start producing plugins they way we want them.
>coworker interviewed with Superchips a few years ago. They
just know
>how to flip the right bits, and go with it.... It wouldn't be
hard to
>get down and nasty with it. You just need a set of specs on
how they
>wrote the darn thing. A descent emulator and or software
debugger would
>help as well.... Cracking is not a toothpick operation
sometimes, but
>certainly is pretty fun.... If the list knows of a spec source
for the
>computers. I will investigate how to change it to perform to
>liking.... I certainly want to mess with mine in a bad way....

          Aye, and therein lies the rub! If Ma Mopar released the specs
on the
        computer, everyone and their uncle would be able to build and
        custom PCM's. You and I will be long gone before they'll ever
        even consider releasing the specs though! :-(


          | Affiliations: DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA.
          | '96 Dodge Dakota v8 SLT CC (14.58@93.55), '96 Kolb FireFly
447 |

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