SBEC Cracking

From: Jason Jennings (
Date: Tue Feb 23 1999 - 11:40:27 EST

Ya now what I just thought of in reference to tinkering with the SBEC.
You're going to need a way of pulling the data out of the Chips, and
analyzing the bit streams of the micro. What can potentially happen in
the design is a multiplexing scheme. If you need x amount of bits to
access y amount of memory. You can use x-z number of addressing pins on
the micro. What happens is the designer multiplexes the x-z pins of
addressing to reach the same amount of x address spaces in memory. This
is not terrible in terms of trying. The terrible part is having every
resource available for studying the SBEC. You would need one of those
fancy digital logic analyzers to wire to the SBEC. You could watch the
bit streams on the micro pins and data pins while the truck is running.
You can record the streams under certain conditions, i.e. step on the
gas, manual shifting, revving the engine, and so on. You may also want
to download the data on each PROM. You can try and blue print how they
packed the data in each chip. It will be meaningless, but it may serve
as a map to those bit streams on the micro. Basically, you're going to
need a shit load of equipment to pull this off. I don't see a clear cut
way to crack the SBEC if it is a true monster. I remember in my college
days using a descent analyzer to watch read and write signals on a
Motorola HC6811. It ways easy cuz I wrote the code. I knew what I was
looking at and for. When you know the architecture it is easy to mess
around and have fun. When you're sitting in the dark alone and naked,
well not a whole lot of fun there... You can't just wire into the SBEC
harness effectively. You really need to watch those bit critters run
around. You might to do all of this with a Dyno as well. I can see why
Superchips has a Roller Dyno. You pull 'er on the dyno, and test 'er to
death. As you can see, if you want to plat with the big boys. You need
to buy big boy tools. If anyone else out there has thought about this,
please share. I only have a few resources at my disposal. I seriously
doubt I can obtain access to an Engineering lab with a digital logic
analyzer. You are required to turn in your keys when you graduate. It
was a fun thought, but a few calls to Ma Mopar maybe worth the few
months wait...

a.k.a. Jason
2/23/99 11:31 AM

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