Hello everyone,
I would never want to tell anyone what to buy, if you like my set up
great, but I at least would go so far as to say please dont buy that dumb
air aid set up....That one is really lame. I have seen the Turbo city
option several times now, and one thing always comes to mind.....Why two
small filters. I know that a single small filter might give good
throttle response off the line, but then it peaks out at around 30-35mph.
You can hear the pitch of the sound change from a whoosh to a waaaaaah. I
know it sounds stupid, but it does. Too big, and the bottom end suffers
but you flow really well at highway speeds. The one I use is right in the
middle. It gives great throttle response off the line, and then it will
flow great up above 90mph. Stomp the gas at that speed and you get the
waaaah sound...but then again at that speed their isnt much left in the
engine anyway.
The problem I see with twin filters is that you have air coming in from
different directions....wont they cancel each other out, or at least cause
major disruption in air flow. And it still keeps the filters on top of
the engine......everyone is concerned about cooler air, that air is not
the coolest under the hood.
About stuffing a open element into the air duct, This week I made a cold
air box to surround my set up. I ended up giving up the performance off
the line for some reason. It still pulled hard once I was moving pretty
good, but not as hard of a kick in the butt. I took the top of the box
off, and the kick off the line came back. I dont get it.......I was
thinking that maybe since the box had a certain amount of air space, maybe
it wasnt enough for off the line. Then maybe since my box was sealed,
their was too much pressure built up in the box when moving to allow air
to rush in. I dont know, I guess I will keep working on the idea......I
like the performance of just the kit, but everyone keeps asking about a
cold air box, maybe a heat shield would be better. but a real heat
shield, not just a curved piece of plastic....ala K&N gen II.
Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.......I made the
kit, just because people wanted it and I didnt like the other options
but......I still am a D guy trying to get the best performance out of my
If you dont want to post to the board, email me privately or come by my
page at www.quickd.com. I have my ICQ # and my AOL instant messenger
name, maybe we can chat for a while.....Thanks Tony
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