Re: Where's the shine!!

From: |< R |> (
Date: Mon Mar 08 1999 - 10:00:49 EST

From: "Densteadt, James" <>
Subject: DML: Where's the shine!!
Date sent: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 09:50:34 -0500
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> Not sure if anyone has asked this before. The stainless exhaust on the
> R/ there anything anyone would recommend to get the rust and
> debris off the tip? I'm afraid to use steel wool and I'm not sure of any
> harm any others cleaning methods will produce. I tried Eagle One's "Never
> Dull" and it wasn't worth the three bucks I paid for it. Any input would
> help. Thanks!!

I bought some Mothers Chrome Polsih. It works good. Got it at
Autozone. I waxed the tip after it was cleaned.

|{eith R. Phelps
krp at netnitco dot net

Cat..... the other white meat.

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