OK all you audiophiles, I have a real basic stereo question (as you will
soon find out, I know almost nothing about stereos). I'm happy with the
stock CD player/infinity speakers in my R/T, but I want to add a mini disk
changer. I figure it'll have to go through the antenna plug. My question
is, it's a six disk changer, how would I change which disk I want to listen
to, or which track? It doesn't say anything about a remote, and my stock CD
player doesn't have changer controls (the only stock stereo that has the
controls is the tape player, and I don't own any tapes any more). I don't
want to replace the stock CD player, just want to use my mini disks, so I
can leave all my CD's at home. Please reply in private (saves space on the
list) at <glenzoni@totacc.com>. Thanks for any help.
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