Re: TO:Brad the Gonad WAS:poor man's ram air

Date: Wed Mar 10 1999 - 20:23:22 EST

In a message dated 99-03-10 20:10:12 EST, you write:

<< Brad,
 Is someone being a bit over-sensitive. I never intended on pissing anybody
 off. However, I, like yourself, can state any opinion I care to. If you
 don't like it, then, don't respond. I do not want to start a war, however,
 you lobbed the first grenade ace. By the way, I really don't care what you
 think, how bout that ace... Now, if you want to snail-mail civilized,
 fine, if not, then go screw yourself. My apologies for my part, and my part
 Good Day,
 Vladimir "FASRAM"
 -----Original Message-----
 [] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Monday, March 08, 1999 9:55 PM
 Subject: Re: DML: TO:Vladimir Ryall WAS:poor man's ram air
 In a message dated 99-03-08 22:54:01 EST, you write:
 << I really agree with you Jon. Vladimir Ryall, I'm sorry, but some of us
  have a freaking unlimited check book. or we have other things we'd like to
  have than a freaking 600 dollar ram air hood. I'm not saying it's not
  well spent, but you should be curtious to others by not dogging on them
  that. Hell, if you don't freaking like the way i talk. then don't respond
  my messages. Screw you and your truck to hell. I don't care if it can run
  10s. the driver still sucks
  PS. I wasn't going to respond to this message when i saw it the first
  but people like you really tick me off.
 Not to mention Ram Air hoses are a little sleepier then a hood!
 Brad >>

Uh, gee, all I said was Ram Air hoses are sleepier then hoods. That makes me
a gonad? Am I being too sensitive now? Maybe someone is over reacting, and
should read slowly to see who REALLY wrote all that stuff. :)

Brad the UNgonad

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