I have a program that makes it a little easier, but it still takes a long time.
I'm in the hunt for sponsors now.. wish me luck =)
-mike d.
>>> Mark Kuzia <flyboy01@worldnet.att.net> 03/12/99 10:38pm >>>
I like it, it looks cool, big undertaking though. I know your grief, I have
about 40 hours into redesigning my new site so far, probably about 20
hours to go.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Z-Sykes <MSykes@su.edu>
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Date: Friday, March 12, 1999 8:15 PM
Subject: DML: dakotaperformance.com is up!!!!
>well... sorta'... I got some webspace at xoom so you guys can check
>a preview of what DakotaPerformance.com will look like when it's up
>the URL is... (drum roll please)
>Please let me know what you think and give me any comments you may
>have, good or bad...
>things like
>-what could be added?
>-graphics...like em'?
>-ideas you might have?
>-know of any CHEAP hosting services (with domain name) =)
>-know of any sponsors that may be interested? =)
>stuff like that..
>I plan to add a monthly feature thing like "burnout of the month" and
>"fastest dak".. things like that... thanks for any input!!!!!!!!
>-mike d.
>webmaster dakotaperformance.com =)
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