I agree, I live in New England and it got pretty darn cold around here this
No problem with the 180 T-stat though.
Chris lang wrote:
> I have a 180 tstat and haven't had any problems in the winter even with
> temps in the -35 area. Once it warmed up there was plenty of heat...
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Delgado <dadoctah@worldnet.att.net>
> To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
> Date: Friday, March 26, 1999 5:28 PM
> Subject: DML: 180 stat and winter
> >For people that want to run the 180 stat but would have winter woes because
> of
> >it, I have a possible solution; rig up a piece of heavy-weight black vinyl
> so
> >that it blocks some of the flow going to the radiator. Alot of big rigs
> have
> >to do something like this in the winter. When spring comes, take it off.
> >Dr. Pat
> >
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