Re: Attn: Frank and Bruce

Date: Sun Mar 28 1999 - 12:08:58 EST

In a message dated 3/26/99 12:24:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< You seem to tap dance around the question everytime it is asked, please let
us know, we are adults we can handle it.
 1. How many people are on you "list"?
 2. What is the average time for someone to get a TB from the time it is
 3. How does someone get on the "list"?
 Mark >>

Actually I think they are both doing the "Hustle" :-) Frank and Bruce are
giving the list members a super deal on a hot item, I know as I was one of the
14 to receive one and it is a thing of beauty. There are other places to have
similar mods done but at considerabley more dollars. Their willingness to help
the DMLers is something they do in their available time slots which due to
their real jobs and priorities has apparently been slim lately. These guys are
a real asset to the list and work hard to provide their services in a timely
manner but sometimes, as recently, become over loaded and set backs occur. I
am looking to have another TB done but am waiting for them to get caught up
before I add to their problems. I think this turned out a little bit of a
bigger demand than originally thought.

Anyway as I've always been told "Be patient, good things come to those who
You won't be disappointed.

My 2 cents

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