Important questions on any perf part that increases airflow

Date: Tue Apr 13 1999 - 12:35:16 EDT

OK, lets say we have an R/T with a ported throttle body (52 millimeter or B&F
Stage 2 equivalent), Mike Leach headers, low restriction cat back exhaust,
and a high flow air filter. This will increase the airflow into the motor
substantially. At most RPMs the oxygen sensor will sense the additional air
and widen the pulsewidth of the factory fuel injectors and match the
additional airflow with the correct amount of fuel. Does any one know if the
O2 sensor works at Wide Open Throttle? I don't think it does... it goes to
open loop and the injector's pulsewidth is changed yet again to work at the
factory set "fuel tables" which may at times be less fuel that needed as the
factory settings will not know that you added these additional airflow
devices. There is the possibility of adding too much air and the factory
computers "fuel tables" will not provide enough fuel... leading to a possible
lean condition that can break a motor. Does anyone know if this is possible?
We already know that Shane and Alan's R/Ts have gone low 14s without running
too lean because they haven't blown a head gasket or burned a valve or
piston. But at what point does more air become too much air and need
additional fueling like bigger fuel injectors? Mike Catlin... does your R/T
idle correctly with your new injectors? My Turbo Buick ran rich on the street
with my bigger injectors but was safe at WOT. Any input?
Charles Smith
99 Dak R/T

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