If you're afraid to rip apart your interior, you might want
to have someone else do it. I'm the sort of guy that loves
tearing things apart just to see how they go together and
usually when I put them back they still work the same. ;)
Anyway, it's really not that tough. Do you have a Club
Cab? The rear panels basically pull off--start from the
upper top of each panel after removing the seat belt upper
'pulley' deal. The bolt they use for that is a good sized
torx head, but I used a hex head (can't remember the size)
and because they're not overly tightened by the factory
they came out easily. Anyway, if you need more info let us
--- SuperNagz@aol.com wrote:
> I am buying a good head unit this weekend, and I figured
> I would buy some 6
> 1/2" and 4" replacements for my 4 factory speakers...
> My question is... are the speakers easy to replace? or
> should I pay to have
> them installed
> I have fair knowledge in car audio installation.. so I'm
> hoping it shouldn't
> be a problem
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