I HATE DEALERS was: Heater core blew

From: SmokinDakota (smokindakota@email.msn.com)
Date: Mon May 03 1999 - 18:58:45 EDT

Bad news,

I got a call from the service advisor. He said it is under warranty, BUT due
to my stupidity of adding an aftermarket alarm and and stereo system, its
going to cost me 2 hours worth of labor to take move the wiring to the
heater core. Needless to say, I was VERY upset. Especially when they said
they need the dak until tomorrow night. I have a final term paper due
tomorrow and no way of getting to school. I asked the service bitch, oops I
mean manager, what they would do to compensate me/satisfy me. Answer, I'll
give you the # to Enterprise Rent-a-car and talk to the shop foreman and see
if 2 hours is excessive. I am still not satisfied and need suggestions on
what to do? I will be starting a web page like Jon's idea, but mainly about
CROWN dodge, a supposed 5 star dealer. So if you got complaints about Crown
dodge send em to me.

I forgot to mention that right when I got to the dealer, a customer comes up
to me and start to tell me how these trucks are worth $h!t. He had a 4
banger and said he loses control in turns and some other problems. Another
satisfied customer.

Steven 2me
AOL Instant Message = SmknDakTrk

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