Re: Dakota Desktop Themes

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Tue May 04 1999 - 17:23:01 EDT

I've got a Viper Theme...nothing Dakota though.

At 01:59 PM 05/04/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>Hey all,
>After reformatting my hard drive, I was wondering if anyone knew where I
>could get a Dakota Desktop theme. I found a Chevy one, but no Dodge. Any
>Ideas? What about a Dodge Screen Saver?
>Steven 2me
>AOL IM = SmknDakTrk
>Ps. Just called the dealer and it should be ready in a couple hours.
>WooHooo. Gotta remember to check everything with a fine tooth comb.

Bernd D. Ratsch
Pflugerville, TX
1997 Dodge Dakota SLT/CC (V6)

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