Re: Hypertech What the Hell

From: Mike Williams (
Date: Wed May 12 1999 - 22:14:50 EDT wrote:

> What is the word on the programer in the Jegs and summitt catalog for 98 Ram
> 5.2 and 5.9? Is this out yet and can it be used on our Dakotas? What
> exactly will it do? Will it raise my rev and speed limiter? And would I be
> able to adjust my shift points? And then can I go back to the default
> settings whenever I want? What about the module by hypertech? Has anyone
> ever tried this opposed to the Jet chip? If the programer will not raise the
> speed limiter and I cannot reprogram my shift points I am going to buy just
> the module. So all the help would be great on what the programer does.
> Josh

 I am also very interested in the Hypertech unit. When I saw it listed in last
months Jeg's catalog I put one on order thinking it would work on a 99 5.9
engine.. Well after some advice I received right here on the DML. I called the
Hypertech techline and talked to one of there techs. He told me it wouldn't
work. Jegs will not have any of the Hypertech units until July 15th. The Tech
told me that it will be about 4 more months before they have a final product...
According to him one programer will work on any Magnum engine. It looks like it
will be about 6 months before that happen though... Given some of the reports
I've heard about the MP SBEC I think it might be worth the wait for the
hypertech.. I still like the idea of being able to adjust some of the variables
and also take it back to a default... I would be nice to run 87 octane gas on
long trips.. Yes you are suppose to be able to change ignition and injector
timing, shift points, rev and speed limiters.

Mike Williams -- VP Mid-Michigan Mopar Enthusiasts
99 Blk R/T CC
Mark your calendars.. June, 6th our 2nd all Mopar Show see

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