Re: Save your Spare(NOT!)

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Thu May 20 1999 - 11:03:09 EDT

Not that this will apply to all of you, but Fabtech makes an angled spare
holder that mounts in the bed. (Getting ready to order it myself just for
this reason.)

They come in Black or Blue.

At 10:36 AM 05/20/1999 -0400, you wrote:
>I haven't had any reason to look under my truck yet, so I do not have any
>knowledge of what it looks like under there. Would a SUV spare tire cover
>help? Most of the SUVs have "hang on the back" spare tire mounts, and they
>have a decorative cover on them. Would this help prevent damage? Just a
>>>> Alan Short <> 05/20 11:10 AM >>>
> wrote:
>> Hey
>> I was under my truck lastnight, no reason. And I notice that the Spare tire
>> hangs with the beautiful aluminum $300 rim (replacement from DC) Facing
>> down. Your spare will take all the gravel hits you can imagin, and all the
>> corrosion from SALT (michigan). And since I've seen a little off road, with
>> a little slack in the winch holding it up, the tie -up has worn a little
>> grove in the face allready.
>> FLIP YOUR SPARES, face up into the bed, save face.
>NO,NO,NO!!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!
>I was at the race track last year and pulled down the spare for the
>first time (to save weight). I reinstalled it with the same logic you
>used, I thought it would be better for the rim to be "face up".
>Well, the bed reinforcement ribs cut 2 gashes in the beautiful 375.00
>I ended up filling the gashes with aluminum impregnated body filler.
>Install your spare "FACE DOWN" like it came from the factory!
> Alan S.
> gashed spare

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