Re: Save your Spare(NOT!)

From: DTran (
Date: Thu May 20 1999 - 12:07:21 EDT

> wrote:
>> Hey
>> I was under my truck lastnight, no reason. And I notice that the Spare tire
>> hangs with the beautiful aluminum $300 rim (replacement from DC) Facing
>> down. Your spare will take all the gravel hits you can imagin, and all the
>> corrosion from SALT (michigan). And since I've seen a little off road, with
>> a little slack in the winch holding it up, the tie -up has worn a little
>> grove in the face allready.
>> FLIP YOUR SPARES, face up into the bed, save face.
>NO,NO,NO!!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!
>I was at the race track last year and pulled down the spare for the
>first time (to save weight). I reinstalled it with the same logic you
>used, I thought it would be better for the rim to be "face up".
>Well, the bed reinforcement ribs cut 2 gashes in the beautiful 375.00
>I ended up filling the gashes with aluminum impregnated body filler.
>Install your spare "FACE DOWN" like it came from the factory!
> Alan S.
> gashed spare

i wish i still have my spare. i don't even remember what it looks like. it
was stolen (my gas cap too) a week after i got my truck and before i
learned about the spare lock. classic first-truck mistake? may misfortune
befall on the damn bastard, his family and, yes, his dog. sorry folks, this
is obviously an incomplete dak complex. i want to find closure but it'll
cost too much.


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