Re: OFF and ON to get codes..? doesn't work?

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 00:18:16 EDT

It DOES work on '97's. I've got a '97 Dak...did it several times. It just
takes a little bit to get it right.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: DML: OFF and ON to get codes..? doesn't work?

> >From the DML:
> How to get the codes on a 1997 Dakota:
> Put the key in your ignition and turn it to the "on" position three
> times. (Insert key, on, off,
> on, off, on). Leave it in the on position. The first trouble code will
> displayed on your
> digital LED odometer. Quickly cycle the key again (off, on) to display
> the next code, and
> just keep cycling the key to get the remainder of the codes. (Many
> to Dale Keller
> ( for the above info.)
> so doesn't it work on 97s? or if it displays no codes at all, then i'm
> -Dester
> << You can't pull the codes manually in a 97+ truck .
> Say thank you to OBD II . >>

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