water spots on outside of windows

From: Michael Clark (magnumv8@wt.net)
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 03:28:29 EDT

I don't know if anyone else has had this problem, but for quite a while I've
had water spots on the outside of my windows that I could not get off. I
tried all kinds of window cleaners and waxes and nothing worked. The spots
were etched into the glass. I have the feeling that Rain-X may have caused
this, but I could be wrong. You couldn't see the spots unless you looked at
the right angle but they always made my windows look like they were dirty.
Well I got fed up with that and decided to get serious. I happened to come
across some "Ultra Sand" sanding sheets. These were #000000 which is
equivalent to 7000 grit sand paper. They were more like sanding "pads" then
sheets. They are a blend of fine steel wool and synthetic fibers. I tried
to use this by hand on my dry windows but it only felt like I was wiping it
with a paper towel and the spots mearly laughed at my pathetic attempt. So
just for the heck of it I put some Mothers Mag and Aluminum polish (I had a
small can laying around) on the window in a small area and rubbed it in with
the sanding sheet. To my surprise most of the spots in that area were gone!
So I pulled out the sander, slapped the sheet on it and smeared the polish
all over my window. Then I "sanded" the crap out of it. Wiped off all the
polish (clean up was kinda messy) and I was amazed at how beautiful my
windows looked. It looks like I have new glass now! I was even able to do
this procedure on my rear windows. I sanded right over my vinyl decals and
the DDBC. They held up perfectly! I've put up some photos to show what I'm
talking about at http://www.mikesdakota.com/waterspots

I know there are kits to do this sort thing for restoring classic cars and
such. I don't know what those kits cost, but this was pretty cheap and
worked great!

---Mike, near Houston.--- http://www.mikesdakota.com
                   '93 V8 4X2
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