>Subject: DML: tranny fluid, where is it?
>Author: <dakota-truck@buffnet.net> at smtpout
>Date: 8/15/99 6:51 PM
I've been running Mobil1 ATF in my 89 since my last tranny rebuild (damn
overdrive), The guy at the shop recommended it and I've always used their
oil with good results. Just my $.02...
>Well I have been shopping for a tranny fluid to put in after I install the
>ole transgo shift kit. But I'm having a problem finding tranny fluid for
>dak. About 90% of the ATF fluid I have seen says that it will work with GM
>and Ford transmissions but says nothing about Chrysler. Thus far I have
>found two brands, Pennzoil and Valvoline that say they are recommended for
>Chrysler tranny's(those would be ATF +3, as recommended by the service
>manual). So where the hell is all the tranny fluid? The manual does say
>could use Dexron III tranny fluid only if ATF+3 is not available. I really
>don't feel comfortable about putting the "last resort" fluids in my
>transmission. So which one is better, Pennzoil or Valvoline? Or are there
>more out there?
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