Well I decided to change my tranny pan after it started shifting odd. So
I take the pan down, and it is chalk full of metal, i mean I am personally
amazied that it is still running. Anyway, I am going to replace it. I have
a friend at a local shop that cna put in a Rebuilt(by a reputable company)
Tranny for $1100. This is by far the best price I have gotten yet. My
question is, Is there a Beefier tranny out there that'll bolt into my Dakota?
I would really like to get one that can take some abuse (not alot, just some
:-)... IF someone could give me a model number or something. Also
should I get a higher stall tourque converter in there while I have the trans
down? Would that increase the load on the tranny, or jsut the fluid. If
someone could please help me, I am very ignorant on this topic, thanks for
any help,
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