RE: TB website

From: GS- (
Date: Fri Oct 15 1999 - 13:37:05 EDT

Thats the first F&B TB I've ever seen. Nice, clean work
guys! One question Frank, are you going to post pics of
the modified intake? Any idea what you may be charging
for this mod in the future?


GS -

> Bob,
> The intakes are next on the list. Robert Landy has been dogging me to work
> on these and has volunteered to flow and help tune them. Its in process, but
> we needed to get the commitments on TB's done. We should know what and where
> we want to go with the manifolds within a month or two. Glad you are happy
> with the TB and you are right, there is more to be had, its just a question
> of how far you want to go.......
> TTYL - Frank

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