Re: Jet or Hypertech

From: Terry Herrin (
Date: Fri Oct 15 1999 - 16:50:44 EDT

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 07:43:40 -0500, "Bernd D. Ratsch"
<> wrote:
>After he had removed the Jet-II, did he reset the computer as well? This
>person DID have the 180 T'Stat installed...right? What did the power curves

Yes and yes.

>look like with and without the Jet-II? Did he send the results into Jet for

The power curve was a lot better without the Jet-II, I saw the two
curves myself. I just don't remember the numbers as I was more
interested at the time in what my own truck was doing.

>an explanation? Can you have this person scan his Dyno sheets and post them

I don't remember who the person was, just one out of about 15 people
there that day. I don't know if he sent the results in to Jet or not.

>It just seems strange when the driving characteristics of the vehicle with
>(and without) the Jet are very noticeable. (Better with the most
>cases.) Most of the people that i've spoken with (mostly V6's) have had
>great results with it installed.

Well, on that particular vehicle, with that particular Jet-II module,
the results were bad. That's all I can say about it.

Terry Herrin
99 FR CC R/T
Wilmington, NC

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