I have just installed a Magnum performace 3000 TC in my RT and it has really
changes the way this thing runs. I will break them completely loose when
hitting first gear and it really gets up and goes over 3000. The problem is
that normal driving will be affected. If I had it to do over again I would
go with a 2400 or a 2600. The 3000 is a little to high for street I am
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Tom <tigers@bserv.com>
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Date: Sunday, October 17, 1999 11:01 AM
Subject: DML: Joe's TQ Was: DML: Re: yesterday @ Cecil/ Next Cecil DML
outing.. Nov. 6 ??
>At 10:43 AM 10/17/99 -0400, you wrote:
> <S N I P>
>>DML content: spoke with trans guy and I'm going with the 2800 converter
>>Joe W.
>Joe, once you get it and have driven it awhile, I'd be interested in
>how it affects driving on the streets (and, of course, on the track gains).
>Bob. Southern Ontario, Canada.
>'97 FR CC Sport, 5.2L, 3.55 SG, auto.
>Racing weight: 4,350lb ET: 15.234 Trap speed: 89.81 mph
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