Ask them to flash your computer!!! They have the computer flash out for the
98's, but not the 99's. Let me call my dealership to get the bulletin number
so your dealership can look it up for you.
>From: "Michael Stepka" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: DML: Re: Ping and Rattle problems
>Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 21:03:16 -0400
>I have this same exact problem...but mine is a 98 with 18,000 miles and
>has been doing it since about 7,000 miles. And it is still doing it. I
>have brought it in many times and they say at the dealer they don't know
>what's wrong with it. I called and complained to Chrysler, but they are
>still investigating it. I think it is bull shit. I am pretty pissed
>about it.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tom T <>
>To: <>
>Date: Tuesday, October 19, 1999 8:57 PM
>Subject: DML: Ping and Rattle problems
> >I have a '99 4x4 with a 3.9 V6 and 13,600 miles.
> >
> >Some time ago, it started "pinging" around 1600 RPM. Eventually, it also
> >pinged around
> >3000, then spread almost any RPM. It starts after about 20 minutes of
> >driving and only
> >pings while moving, never in neutral. The loudness has increased to
> >unbearable levels
> >(sounds like it's all gonna fall apart). I call it knocking or rattling
> >now.
> >
> >I've had it in 3 times now. The first time, they adjusted the timing, the
> >second time
> >they rerouted the wires and the third time (today), the Chrysler rep was
> >there and
> >told them to pour "something" in it. The shop foreman took a ride this
> >morning and said
> >he heard 2 things: 1) pinging around 3000 2) lifter roller rattling at
> >1600.
> >
> >I've read a recent thread about pinging and am tempted to try the higher
> >octane idea,
> >but I'm not confident that will solve the problem. The Foreman claimed
> >that they fixed
> >the pinging but there's nothing to be done about the rattle. It's a
> >result of normal
> >break-in wear on the rollers and that if they're replaced, they'll just
> >do it again
> >in another 20,000 miles. They refuse to replace them. They claim to get a
> >lot of trucks
> >back in with this problem and there's no harm being done and no
> >resolution available.
> >My problem is, there's no joy left in driving it with that noise and
> >there's no way
> >any body would ever buy it.
> >
> >Has anyone had any experience with this problem or heard this "excuse"
> >from the dealer?
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
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