RE: Re: Pinging problem with NX Kit solved.

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Sat Oct 23 1999 - 22:45:58 EDT

Nope..4 degrees right from the start. Not good for performance, but the
Jet-Ii is back in and it seems to be compensating for that. There is a way
to set the initial retard to 0...but i'm still working on getting all of the
settings perfect. The extra 2 degrees is when the NOS solenoid
engages...don't think I need it...but what the hell. (Start from the
initial settings and play with it for a bit.)

BTW: I also downsized the Fuel Jet two steps and found it ran MUCH better.
(I kept getting a distinct fuel smell with the's now at 36.)

I was told by NX that the timing should be retarded about 4 degrees for the
150 shot so I may remove the 2 degree "pill" from the MSD box. I really
need a track and a weekend for all the testing. (The locals don't seem to
like my frontage road blasts too much.) ;)

All that put aside, it's still running much better now.

- Bernd

-----Original Message-----
Subject: DML: Re: Pinging problem with NX Kit solved.

I'm glad to hear you got it straightened out (nothing feels better than
hitting that switch). You said 4 degrees initial retard. I assume you mean 4
degrees when the juice kicks in or do you mean all the time? I'm just asking
because 4 degrees retard will really hurt normal performance and the sum of
6 degrees sounds a little steep even with a 150 shot, you could probably get
away with less retard which would give you better low end.
Joe W.

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