RE: ..And More Ping Questions.

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Sat Oct 30 1999 - 15:53:14 EDT

Take a deep breath...

A few things to try...(for testing purposes ONLY)

Remove the IAT Sensor from the intake manifold and just strap it to one of
the hoses right around it. (Put a 1/4NPT Plug in the hole that it came out
of.) This will tell you if your running too lean or not. (There's better
ways...but this is the easiest for the average home user.)

You are can't advance the timing since the computer will see
this and put it right back where it wants it. Yes, the aftermarket chips
advance the timing slightly for better performance (also increase the line
pressure on the Automatics as well, and change the fuel curve slightly).

As for the constant pinging...what has the dealership(s) done so far?
(Sorry for asking again...but lets see if we can come up with a solution on

- Bernd

-----Original Message-----
Subject: DML: ..And More Ping Questions.

Ok, since I'm one who has a pinging truck I have a few questions. Keep in
mind I'm not the most mechanically knowledged person around. Now, if the
pinging in my truck is caused by a lean mixture...what might be causing the
mixture to run lean?

Second, I was told that I can't advance the timing in my truck because its
all computer controlled. I have a 99, so is this true, or is the dealership
feeding my another round of BS? Also, I was told I couldn't put a
performance computer in my truck because it WOULD advance the timing and
make my truck ping worse... ok gonna get some tylenol, I'm getting a
headache from all of this. I should have bought a Chevy.

One more, I have the V-6, whats the CI on it?

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