Well, so much for the rest of the ideas....have you considered the "Lemon
Law" yet?
You can, however, try one step colder on the plugs to see if that
helps...but from the sounds of it, it may not even be of any help.
(Switching to the colder plugs would only be a temporary fix anyway.)
And you don't want a Toyota...when I was looking at the T-100 as an
alternative to the Chevy and Dodge, I pressed in on the drivers-side (and
passenger-side) and found that you could easily dent the door with two
fingers. Not impressed with the sheet metal design. (Don't recycle
aluminum...we don't need any more Toyota's in this world.) ;)
- Bernd
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-dakota-truck@buffnet.net
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
Subject: Re: DML: RE: ..And More Ping Questions.
The dealership has rerouted ignition wires,replaced cruise clip and retainer
ignition cable, performed combustion chamber cleaning I don't know how many
times on a vehicle with less then 15,000 miles on it, replaced my intake
gasket, then replaced my intake manifold and gasket(my intake manifold had a
crack in it), replaced computer, replaced a crankshaft sensor? and somthing
with the fuel pump, replaced my torque converter and so far lastly they have
replaced my Cat.
I've tried different octanes of gas, pings worse on lower octane.
I should have bought a Toyota!
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